Holly Brown Farewell

So during our stay in Hong Kong working on the Holly Brown project we met and got to work with a really awesome team of people. Thought Id take this moment to quickly introduce a few of them.

First up is very talented Alida Philip, she was responsible for all of the great design and art direction behind the Holly Brown brand! She even designed the Holly Brown cups and beautiful white leather furniture! She also had a hand in creating the Holly Brown website  www.hollybrowncoffee.com

Next is Dominic the expert coffee roaster who with the help of award winning barristers King and Tracey serve delicious coffee blends and decorative latte art.

In charge of all things Gelato was Luca and (Stefano - see lower grid) who were the maestro's of gelato creation.

Michael also in the Gelato area - serving with style all sorts of colourful cold stone creations!

For the launch the ultra talented Evan Davies was called in to write the official Holly Brown theme song - which you can listen to here or here

Not forgetting Raymond Tsui the owner and brains behind Holly Brown and his group of lovely staff! Thanks to everyone for the great time we had in the Holly Brown family!! You will be sorely missed!

Holly Brown Picture Walls

Just a quick update to show the installation of the images we created with Coffee and Gelato themes for the walls of Holly Brown. Digital Force here in Hong Kong did an awesome job printing and installing them! Thanks Paul and the team! Tomorrow is the grand opening.. not long now till Holly Brown becomes your local!