Vodafone NZ Music Awards 2012 Finalist - Bannerman

Great news! My cover for the second album from Bannerman titled 'Dearly Departed' has been listed as a finalist for 'Best Album Cover' at the Vodafone NZ Music Awards 2012! There are some amazing finalists in the running and I feel so honored to be listed among them - especially for the second year running. Thanks Richie and Lucy for putting me up for nomination! The winner is announced on the 3rd October. Here is an article released today on the NZ Herald website.

Finalist in the Vodafone Music Awards 2011

I am stoked to be a finalist in the 2011 Vodafone New Zealand Music - Technical Awards for my illustration on the cover of the Bannerman Album - 'The Dusty Dreamhole'!!  That album cover was such great fun to make - thanks again to Richie from Bannerman for the opportunity! Check out the amazing work of Nick Keller and Baly Gaudin & Thomas Young the other album cover finalists here