Sound the Ocean - Ghost Town

Last year I also had the privilege to work on one other album, this time for a band called 'Sound The Ocean'. They released their new single recently called 'Ghost Town' which I made the illustrations for. I've been quite keen on illustrated maps lately so I decided to make a map of an old abandoned ghost town. I will have the spreads of the whole CD package in my gallery soon but here are a few images of the cover, inside spread and cd.



Here are a few more panels from the Late 80s Mercedes CD - 'Diamonds'.  I had a great time working on this artwork - coming up with spy characters and their adventures in a musical espionage  jungle.

This back panel was inspired by the lyric from one of their songs 'Theres a party at the end of the week..' - which I imagined was whispered between these too faceless characters pictured above.

My good friend Ryan from Locus Creative used my artwork to create the website

Ill add the full spread to my portfolio soon.

Late 80s Mercedes - Diamonds Album

At the end of last year I had the pleasure to join the Late 80s Mercedes crew as they worked on their third album this time with mostly original music. Their new songs have a 60's spy movie feel which lead me to inspiration from the legendary Saul Bass and plenty of 60's european tv and film posters. Most of the artwork was also inspired by their song 'Diamonds' (especially the line 'she's got diamonds in her eyes..) which I think would make a great campaign song for a jewelry company/party brand. They release their album this weekend so I will post more about my process soon.

Thanks to the band for giving me an opportunity to interpret their awesome music!


Vodafone NZ Music Awards 2012 Finalist - Bannerman

Great news! My cover for the second album from Bannerman titled 'Dearly Departed' has been listed as a finalist for 'Best Album Cover' at the Vodafone NZ Music Awards 2012! There are some amazing finalists in the running and I feel so honored to be listed among them - especially for the second year running. Thanks Richie and Lucy for putting me up for nomination! The winner is announced on the 3rd October. Here is an article released today on the NZ Herald website.